Protection Kit 7.0: Compatible with Windows 10

4 August 2015

Windows 10 was released last week. The Professional Protection Kit (PPK) 7.0 for the CRYPTO-BOX® released 1 month ago was tested under Windows 10 - all tests performed were successfully. No changes to existing implementations are required.

We are working on PPK 7.1 which will be available soon. It will come with some exciting features - don't miss it:

  • AutoCrypt can provide data which were written to the CRYPTO-BOX memory (such as licensing information) to the protected program without programming efforts or knowledge of the Smarx API.
  • SmarxCpp - object oriented CRYPTO-BOX interface for C++ developers (Visual Studio 2013).

Please contact us for further questions: [email protected] or use our support ticket system.


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