Online Authentication with the CRYPTO-BOX

Smarx Cloud Security provides online authentication for many fields of application, inlcuding support only for paying customers, access to content only for authorized service personnel, and much more.
Ideal for subscriptions or premium services.
Remote activation and programming of software.
License upgrades with direct online payment.
Global sales 24/7 without borders and customs barriers.
100% registered customers.
Client: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Opera on Windows plus Firefox on Linux.
Server: platform independent - comes with full source code and documentation.
Traffic is encrypted with combination of software (Open SSL) 256 bit AES and hardware 128 bit AES.
Secure reading and writing of
CRYPTO-BOX memory from remote.Server built either on PHP, JSP/Java, ASP.NET or WIF (Windows Identity Foundation) technology - easy integration with existing solutions.