Protection Kit 7.1 with AutoCrypt Update

31 August 2015

The Professional Protection Kit (PPK) contains all necessary tools for software protection and license management with the CRYPTO-BOX®.

Changes in version 7.1:

  • AutoCrypt can provide data which were written to the CRYPTO-BOX memory (such as licensing information) to the protected program without programming efforts or knowledge of the Smarx API! See PPK Control Center, section "Automatic Protection" - "AutoCrypt" for further details. 
  • SmarxCpp - object oriented CRYPTO-BOX API interface for C++ developers (Visual Studio 2013). See PPK Control Center, section "Implementation with API" - "API Components" for more information 
  • Updated documentation: Smarx Compendium 2015 and CBIOS4NET Developer's Guide

A detailed description of all included components can be found on our web page and in the Smarx Compendium 2015.

The recent PPK version is available in our download section (MyMARX login and valid support contract are required for downloading).

We appreciate your feedback and suggestions to the revised PPK. Please contact us with the Support Ticket System. We will be happy to address your customer specific requirements.


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