CRYPTO-BOX Protection Kit 8.1 with Smarx API: Implementation made easy

23 October 2016

Smarx API is a new interface for developers, who want to implement CRYPTO-BOX protection and licensing to the source code of their applications.

Smarx API exposes a very simple and user friendly programming interface to developers. In contrast to existing interfaces (CBIOS for C++/Delphi or CBIOS4NET/Smarx4NET for C#), this significantly reduces implementation efforts as well as chances of bugs and logical errors during implementation. At the same time, it provides developers with more flexibility on protection and licensing logic compared to the AutoCrypt based approach.

Please refer to the Smarx Compendium, chapter 11 for a detailed description on Smarx API.

Smarx API is part of our updated Professional Protection Kit (PPK) version 8.1, which is available in our download section (MyMARX login and valid support contract are required for downloading). It contains sample code for C# and C++ (Visual Studio 2013 or higher), and Delphi (Delphi XE6 and higher) in the following folder:

[PPK root]\Smarx OS\API\Win\Samples\SmarxAPI\

Check the included readme file for further implementation details.

The SmarxCPP API reference can be found in our Documents section.

Please contact us for any questions or feedback at Smarx API or use our support ticket system.
